import musicntd.scripts.hide_code as hide
As evoked in the 1st notebook, in previous experiments, every bar of the tensor was zero-padded if it was shorter than the longest bar of the song.
This fix is not satisfactory, as it creates null artifacts at the end of most of the slices of the tensor.
Instead, we decided to over-sample the chromagram (32-sample hop) and then select the same number of frames in each bar. This way, rather than having equally spaced frames in all bars of the tensor which resulted in slices of the tensor of inequal sizes (before padding), it now computes bar-chromagrams of the same number of frames, which is a parameter to be set. In each bar-chromagram, frames are almost* equally spaced, but the gap between two consecutive frames in two different bars can now be different.
We call subdivision of bars the number of frames we select in each bar. This parameter is to be set, and we will try to evaluate a good parameter in the next part of this notebook.
Concretely, let's consider the chromagram of a particular bar, starting at time $t_0$ and ending at time $t_1$. This chromagram contains $n = (t_1 - t_0 + 1) * \frac{s_r}{32}$ frames, with $s_r$ the sampling rate. In this chromagram, given a subdivision $sub$, we will select frame at indexes $\{k * \frac{n}{sub}$ for $k \in [0, sub[$ and $k$ integer $\}$. As indexes need to be integers, we need to round the precedent expression.
*almost, because of the rounding operation presented above
We will test three values for the subdivision parameter:
We will test the segmentation on the entire RWC Popular dataset, with MIREX10 annotations, and by testing several ranks (16,24,32,40) for $H$ and $Q$.
Note that, due to the conclusion in Notebook 2, we now have fixed $W$ to the 12-size identity matrix.
# On définit le type d'annotations
annotations_type = "MIREX10"
ranks_rhythm = [16,24,32,40]
ranks_pattern = [16,24,32,40]
Below are segmentation results with the subdivision fixed to 96, for the different ranks values, on the RWC Pop dataset.
Results are computed with tolerance of respectively 0.5 seconds and 3 seconds.
zero_five_nine, three_nine = hide.compute_ranks_RWC(ranks_rhythm,ranks_pattern, W = "chromas", annotations_type = annotations_type,
subdivision=96, penalty_weight = 1)
In this condition, we only keep the ranks leading to the highest F measure.
In that sense, it's an optimistic upper bound on metrics.
hide.printmd("**A 0.5 secondes:**")
best_chr_zero_five = hide.best_f_one_score_rank(zero_five_nine)
hide.printmd("**A 3 secondes:**")
best_chr_three = hide.best_f_one_score_rank(three_nine)
Below is presented the distribution of the optimal ranks in the "oracle ranks" condition, i.e. the distribution of the ranks for $H$ and $Q$ which result in the highest F measure for the different songs.
hide.plot_3d_ranks_study(zero_five_nine, ranks_rhythm, ranks_pattern)
Below is shown the distribution histogram of the F measure obtained with the oracle ranks.
Finally, here are displayed the 5 worst songs in term of F measure in this condition.
hide.return_worst_songs(zero_five_nine, 5)
Below are segmentation results with the subdivision fixed to 128, for the different ranks values, on the RWC Pop dataset.
Results are computed with tolerance of respectively 0.5 seconds and 3 seconds.
zero_five_cent, three_cent = hide.compute_ranks_RWC(ranks_rhythm,ranks_pattern, W = "chromas", annotations_type = annotations_type,
subdivision=128, penalty_weight = 1)
In this condition, we only keep the ranks leading to the highest F measure.
In that sense, it's an optimistic upper bound.
hide.printmd("**A 0.5 secondes:**")
best_chr_zero_five = hide.best_f_one_score_rank(zero_five_cent)
hide.printmd("**A 3 secondes:**")
best_chr_three = hide.best_f_one_score_rank(three_cent)
Below is presented the distribution of the optimal ranks in the "oracle ranks" condition, i.e. the distribution of the ranks for $H$ and $Q$ which result in the highest F measure for the different songs.
hide.plot_3d_ranks_study(zero_five_cent, ranks_rhythm, ranks_pattern)
Below is shown the distribution histogram of the F measure obtained with the oracle ranks.
Finally, here are displayed the 5 worst songs in term of F measure in this condition.
hide.return_worst_songs(zero_five_cent, 5)
Below are segmentation results with the subdivision fixed to 192, for the different ranks values, on the RWC Pop dataset.
Results are computed with tolerance of respectively 0.5 seconds and 3 seconds.
zero_five_hunnine, three_hunnine = hide.compute_ranks_RWC(ranks_rhythm,ranks_pattern, W = "chromas", annotations_type = annotations_type,
subdivision=192, penalty_weight = 1)
In this condition, we only keep the ranks leading to the highest F measure.
In that sense, it's an optimistic upper bound.
hide.printmd("**A 0.5 secondes:**")
best_chr_zero_five = hide.best_f_one_score_rank(zero_five_hunnine)
hide.printmd("**A 3 secondes:**")
best_chr_three = hide.best_f_one_score_rank(three_hunnine)
Below is presented the distribution of the optimal ranks in the "oracle ranks" condition, i.e. the distribution of the ranks for $H$ and $Q$ which result in the highest F measure for the different songs.
hide.plot_3d_ranks_study(zero_five_hunnine, ranks_rhythm, ranks_pattern)
Below is shown the distribution histogram of the F measure obtained with the oracle ranks.
Finally, here are displayed the 5 worst songs in term of F measure in this condition.
hide.return_worst_songs(zero_five_hunnine, 5)
We didn't find the difference in the segmentation results to be significative.
In that sense, we concluded that the three tested subdivisions were equally satisfying for our experiments, and we decided to pursue with the 96 subdivision only, in order to reduce computation time and complexity, as it is the smallest tested value.
96 also presents the advantage (compared to 128) to be divisible by 3 and 4, which are the most common number of beats per bar in western pop music (even if, for now, we have restricted our study to music with 4 beats per bar).